Serre Chevalier - transfer guide
Serre Chevalier is served by Briancon and Oulx train stations - both offering access to the resort transfer by bus or taxi
Taxi transfers: Briancon - Serre Chevalier
Average taxi fare: 15€ for 4-person taxi and 30€ for 8-person taxi;
Average journey time: 15 minutes
Taxi company | Telephone | Email address | Website |
---|---|---|---| | +44 (0) 123 7669222 | | Website |
Taxi Briancon | +33 6 03 68 76 47 | Website |
Bus transfers: Briancon - Serre Chevalier

Buses depart from a bay adjacent to Briancon station, so when you exit the train station it's right there.
If there is a time gap between your train arriving/departing and the bus arriving/departing, then there is the hotel cafe opposite where you can wait in the warm and have a drink or a bite.
You can buy bus tickets at a counter at the train station or on the bus - it's free if you already have a valid ski pass.
2019-29 bus timetable pdf in French | View pdf of the 2019-20 bus timetable |
2019-20 bus timetable pdf in English | Not available |
Phone Autocars Resalp | +33 492 204 750 |
Email Autocars Resalp | |
One-way fare | Adults 4€; youth (under 22) 1€ |
More info: | Briancon to Serre Chevalier bus information |
Book 2019-20 bus journeys | Book Briancon to Serre Chevalier |
Briancon station information & restaurants

If you have time while waiting for the bus or train, Hotel de la Gare, opposite the station, does a very reasonable dinner - classic French dishes.
So if you are getting an overnight train, you can get to the station early and have a nice relaxed dinner before getting onto your sleeper train.
The hotel also offers continental breakfast, if you want to have a meal just after arriving at Briancon in the morning from the sleeper train from Paris.
Taxi transfers: Oulx - Serre Chevalier
Average taxi fare: 55€ for 4-person taxi and 70€ for 8-person taxi;
Average journey time: 45 minutes
Taxi company | Telephone | Email address | Website |
---|---|---|---| | +44 (0) 123 7669222 | | Website |
Taxi Garofalo | 00 39 339 617 78 67 | | |
Bus transfers: Oulx - Serre Chevalier

Buses depart from the car park next to Oulx station, so you exit the station and it's right there.
The buses are timed to collect skiers coming by TGV from Paris, and the buses depart Oulx at these times every day of the week (22 minutes after the arrival of each TGV): 08:55, 11:45, 15:45 and 19:45
If there is any time gap between your bus and your train, you can wait in the warm and have a drink or a bite to eat at the nice cafe opposite Oulx station.
You can buy bus tickets at a counter at the train station, but it is recommended to buy them in advance online at which shows timetable information too.
2019-20 timetable pdf in French | View pdf of the 2019-20 bus timetable |
2019-20 timetable pdf in English | Not available |
Phone 05Voyageurs | +33 492 502 505 |
Email 05Voyageurs | |
Return fare | Adults 12€; youth (U26) 7.50€ |
Book bus tickets for 2019-20 | Oulx to Serre Chevalier bus tickets |
Oulx station information & restaurants

If you have time while waiting for the bus or train, there is a cafe bar next to the the station, and one right opposite the station too.
The one opposite serves complimentary Italian tapas - a tradition in the region. You just have to buy a drink - then you can nibble away.
It's a good place to wait for your train - very relaxed, Italian ambience.
Both serve freshly made Italian sandwiches, and the one opposite serves meals too.